5th Annual Transmodern Festival Live.Art.Action

Thach Thao Nguyen - Sun. January 14, 2007

Filed under: Browse All Artists, Pedestrian Service Exquisite — transmodernfestival @ 11:40 pm

thao-nguyen.jpg Thach Thao Nguyen lives for food and adventure. Born in Vietnam and raised in Texas, she grew up chowing down drive-thru hamburgers and slurping up her mom’s pho. Now living in Baltimore as a student, she sometimes makes money selling homemade spring rolls and rice cakes. Recently she re-visited Vietnam, a journey that brought her closer to her food and family. She brings you treats reminiscent of the homeland, prepared in the most home-down manner.

Project Title: Street Hawker
Project Description: Thao will prepare and sell Vietnamese-style spring rolls made with foraged edible plants. Assuming the role and costume of a native itinerant street-hawker, she will attempt to vend these homemade treats to passers-bys. The spring rolls will be made of rice paper wrapped in wild plants from the neighborhood such as chickweed, dandelion, cleaver, spearmint, garlic chives, lambs quarter, and other various edibles. She will be making these rolls one at a time so passer-bys may acknowledge the ingredients. She asks people to pay a small amount of money: 50 cents.


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