5th Annual Transmodern Festival Live.Art.Action

Ellen Nielsen - Sun. January 14, 2007

Filed under: Browse All Artists, Pedestrian Service Exquisite — transmodernfestival @ 11:50 pm

ellen-nielsen.jpgEllen Nielsen is the kind of person who puts new rolls of toilet paper directly into the dispenser as opposed to leaving them on the back of the toilet. She has a habit of forgetting vegetables in the crisper and finding them, weeks later, reduced to bags of black slime. She would like to be remembered as a public intellectual, but so far she has only made a public spectacle of herself. She has a multitude of talents, such as caramelizing onions and dressing to impress. She was born on March 20 (the first day of spring) which makes her a Pisces-Aries cusp.

Project Name: FUF 2008
Project Description: Ellen Nielsen will sell superfluous commodities (aka pompoms) for $1.99 in a point-of-purchase display similar to those in convenience stores. Like the bulk of her work, this piece addresses the consumption of desire and the desire for consumption.


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