5th Annual Transmodern Festival Live.Art.Action

Carpet Baggers - Sun. January 28, 2007

Filed under: Browse All Artists, Pedestrian Service Exquisite — transmodernfestival @ 1:30 am


Capet Baggers are Owen Brightman and Hermonie Williams

Owen Brightman - Artist, Independent Curator. His work includes performance, video, and instigation. Fronts as a migrant, a mime, or a muscle-man. Brightman creates an odd couple with and within himself and his audience. Some people become incredibly stimulated.

Hermonie Williams - Artist. Baltimore resident. Aesthete. Epistemological Liberal. Favorite color(s): Primaries. Aries. Subject matter of work includes but is not limited to: LOCATION, MOVEMENT, MASS, & PRESENCE.

Project Name: Rock Paper Scissors
Project Description: The audience will be confronted by a militia of mimes signing Party affiliations: Panther, Nazi, Hippie. In actuality these mimes will be playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. These gestures have simultaneous significance. The mimes will form a gauntlet, so that pedestrians can be trafficked between the two jeering, taunting, and provoking rows of rabble-rousing mimes.


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